About Us
StripCurtainsOnline.com is an online partnership between Panamerica Trade Inc dba Strip-Curtains.com and Extruflex North America ( One of the Largest Pvc Strip Extrusion Companies in North America ).
Strip-Curtains.com was first registered in 2009 but initially started operating in 2001. The company has been manufacturing strip curtains and strips doors since 2001 with customers in both the US & CAN. Strip-Curtains.com was a pioneer and one of the original online ecommerce sellers of strip curtains in North America . Over the years Strip-Curtains.com diversified its product offerings to include warehouse curtains/dividers, track and roller systems, speed doors, swing doors, enclosures and other related products. Strip-Curtains.com sells to a broad mix of clients including some of North America's largest grocery store chains, food manufacturers, government, US Army/Navy and large national distributors.
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